What Are STAR Events?

Students Taking Action for Recognition is most commonly known as STAR Events promotes Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America mission to prepare members for the multiple roles of family member, wage earned, and community leader.  Each event is designed to help members develop specific lifetime skills in character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge and vocational preparation.  

There are three levels to compete on in STAR Events, regional, state, and national. Participants start at regional and can have the opportunity to move up each level.  When competing in the Junior division which is grades 7-9, one member or team with the highest score in each event for the junior division events.  The senior division which is grades 10-12 move up from regional to state and the same from state to national.  Participants are judged against a rubric or score sheet, not against each other.   

The goals of STAR Events are:

  • To have a more active student participation and recognition of youth accomplishments.

  • Cooperation and  competition are stressed in positive and constructive ways and teamwork is encouraged.

  • In addition to participating in STAR Events, members are involved in planning, conducting, and evaluating the events.

  • STAR Events are designed to emphasize the positive accomplishments of youth.

  • Respect and interaction between youth and adults are fostered by establishing teams of adult and youth evaluators and event managers.

  • Members are evaluated against a set of standard criteria rather than against another individual.

  • The belief that all people are winners is the foundation of these events and procedures.

STAR Event Categories:

Applied Technology

Chapter Service Project

Chapter Showcase Event

Entrepreneurship Event

Focus on Children

Food Service

Illustrated Talk

Interpersonal Communications

Job Interviews

Parliamentary Procedures

Skills for Life


1.  Look at the events and decide on one that you think sounds interesting.

2.  Brainstorm project ideas (use the Planning Process).  Then, decide on the idea you like best  and that you think will have the most impact on you, your chapter, your school, and/or your community.

3.  Learn the guidelines for our event!

4.  Plan your project and carry out your goals.

5.  Plan your presentation, have fun, and practice, practice, practice!


|FCCLA Pursuit|


Developed by:  Katie Gifford, 2000