
Individual or team event, recognizes participants who develop a plan for a small business using family and consumer sciences related skills to plan and conduct a child development project that has a positive impact on children.  (Junior, Senior, and Occupational).

Project:  1.In the planning of a business participants will: 
Use the FCCLA Planning Process
Develop a document a written plan for establishing a small business
Develop necessary skills to run a business
Summarize and evaluate the business

2.The business plan should include: 
project identification page 
1 table of content 
Up to 60 content pages 
Up to 11 divider pages 

Content pages will present items researched and developed including these categories:
Business description 
Laws regulations and codes 
Personal Management 
Organizational chart 
Funding for Business 
Presentation:  1.15-20min. presentation of the business plan 
2.File folder containing: 
    Title page 
    Executive Summary 
3.10min. interview with evaluators 
Tips: 1.Participants need to remember time limits on the 5min.set-up and 20 min. presentation maximum times.

2.Participants will be graded on the criteria on the grading sheets only. Displays, skits, costumes, and distribution of project
samples are not graded or allowed.


|FCCLA Pursuit|  |STAR Events|