FCCLA Planning Process
The FCCLA FIVE-STEP PLANNING PROCESS is the chapter management tool that helps members select and carry out projects members' need and concerns. It is especially useful in carrying out activities related to the organization's national programs.
Members begin by looking at themselves. What are their concerns about self, friends, family, school, and community? What are their special interests? To come up with a prefect goal, member write down answers to the above questions or brainstorm individual personal concerns.
Because students are unique, they have different goals and different potentials for achievement. The most satisfying projects are those with personal meaning. Too many people make the mistake of setting impossible goals. Goals need to be realistic and attainable in a specified period of time.
Decide what to do, when, where, and how to carry out the plan, and write down the steps to be followed. Available resources should be explored such as family members, other teachers, Teen Times, or employers.
Members and chapters put their plans into action.
On completing the project, members ask themselves if the desired results were achieved. If not, why not? Was the project worthy of the time and effort spent? Members should ask for help and suggestions from others as they work through their projects.