Humanities Class

Art Vocabulary Terms: Two-Dimensional Art


You will need to know these important art terms and their definitions.


Elements of art

The Elements of Art are the basic parts of visual arts: line, shape, color, form, texture, space.  These elements are by which works of art are composed from.  They are the building blocks that artists use to make an image.

Principles of design

The Principles of Design are concepts that guide the artist in creating and organizing the elements of art in a work; they include the concepts of balance, pattern, contrast, emphasis, movement, rhythm, unity, harmony, and proportion.

Art processes

Relates to how the art was created (sculpting, painting) and what the subject matter is (abstract of a man)


Art that is not realistic but adds or subtracts details to show a person's view.  Abstract art usually transforms natural shapes into geometric ones and may combine several points of view in a single image.

acrylic paint

Acrylic paint is a fast drying, water soluble paint that is made from acrylic polymers (synthetic latex).  It was invented in the 1950’s.

analogous colors

Those colors which lie on either side of a given color in the color wheel; (they are a set of three colors that lie next to each other on the color wheel and share a common hue. Analogous colors are harmonious and are often found in nature  EX: red/orange/yellow  OR green/blue-green/blue

Asymmetrical balance

Unequally divided or unmatched balance in a work of art. 

Symmetrical balance

Images or shapes distributed evenly


An element of art that is made from wavelengths of light.  Color has three properties – Hue, Value, and Intensity.  Know the hues of color, including primary/secondary colors, warm/cool colors, light/dark

complementary colors

Colors which are directly opposite from one another on the color wheel; they stand out from or contrast against each other  EX: blue/orange


Showing differences  EX: light colors next to dark colors

focal point

The place your eye is drawn to in a work of art; the central feature


Property of color: the color itself that can be lightened or darkened to a different shade  EX: red, blue, green, purple


The brightness or dullness of a hue or color

intermediate colors

Sometimes called tertiary (third) colors; made by mixing a primary (first) and a secondary (second) color: Examples include: yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet


A drawing, painting, or photograph of a scene found in nature


An element of art: marks drawn by an artist or created by the objects in the art (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved)


The materials used to create a work of art  EX: crayons, paint, clay, felt, chalk


A principle of art that involves the look of action in an art work

oil paint

Slow drying paint consisting of small pigment particles suspended in drying oil.  There were invented during the Renaissance period (1500’s)


Pure powdered pigment in the form of sticks; an art medium like oil paint or watercolors


Regular repetition of any element of art (line, shape, form, texture, color)


The attempt to make objects look three-dimensional in a two-dimensional surface, giving the illusion of depth


A drawing, painting, or photograph of a person

primary colors

Red, yellow, blue – They are called “primary” because you can make all of the other colors on the color wheel by using just those three colors.


The size relationship of one part to another  EX: items further away in a painting will be smaller in proportion to items closer to the viewer (using proportion correctly is a way to achieve perspective)


Balance achieved around a certain point rather than on both sides of a center line; a clock face or bicycle tire has radial balance; other words to describe balance are symmetrical and asymmetrical


Combining art elements to produce the look and feel of movement

secondary colors

Colors made by mixing two primary colors: green, purple, orange


Black added to a hue to change its value and make it darker


An element of art: used in flat, two-dimensional pieces like paintings; can include geometric or nature forms


An element of art: the area between, around, above, below, or within things; includes negative space and positive space

still life

A drawing, painting, or photograph of an arrangement of objects, such as fruit or flowers

subject matter

The topic or focus of a work of art


Even balance of the objects or colors in a piece of art


Oldest known paint; pigments dry rapidly and usually come from natural sources such as minerals, wood, plants, or clay


An element of art: the way something feels  EX: oil paint could look rough, smooth, bumpy


"3D" has length, width, depth  EX: sculpture


White added to a hue to change its value and make it lighter

triadic colors

High energy colors found by choosing three colors separated by 120 degrees on the color wheel                                                           EX: blue, yellow, red


"2D" has length and width but no depth (is flat)  EX: painting


The degree of lightness and darkness in art work


Paints made from pigments dissolved in water