Course Syllabus for NCHS Humanities Class

Here's an overview of what material we will be covering  Keep in mind that this is a tentative rough draft and that it is subject to change due to snow days or unexpected events, like a plague of frogs or mud flurries.  Some days may be grouped together into one day since class time is longer, while other class days may need to be extended beyond what I have estimated here.   So, sit back, pull out your three-ring binder and get ready to learn!


Teacher: Elizabeth Johnson


Classroom Location:

Room 132, Art Room (half of the semester)

Class Hours:

$th Period & 6th Period

E-Mail Address:



Prerequisite: Open to Grade 11 only

This course enables students to develop an appreciation for their cultural and historical heritage.  Humanities includes the study of beliefs, thoughts, and traditions of humankind as reflected in history, philosophy, religion, dance, music, theater, and the visual arts. This half of the semester will focus on the study of the history of the visual arts and theater.


The study of these subjects promotes an understanding of the connection among the arts and their historical and cultural context.  Students will develop an understanding of the arts and the creative process from a historical perspective, as well as gain an understanding from the interrelationships between experiences and emotions shared by all peoples, and recognize the arts as valuable contributions to humankind. A variety of activities are blended to provide a connection among periods, styles, and cultures. Successful completion of this class is a requirement for graduation. 



The method of instruction in this course is primarily lecture, however there are several ways students will be involved as active learners in this class. When studio projects are involved, demonstrations may be given. Students will be required to use a computer to participate in humanities web-log activities and forum discussions.  Studio projects will be assigned and may last for several class periods depending on the complexity of the assignment.  Students will also be involved in research activities, presentations, and analysis of various humanities related topics during the semester.



By the end of this course students should be able to:

Objective 1 – Understand fundamental concepts and terms associated with two and three dimensional art, and analyze how the elements and principles are used used by artists to compose a picture

Objective 2  - Have gained an overview of the development of Western Art and Theater from ancient to contemporary phases.

Objective 3- Be able to identify with confidence the representative period of an art work or drama through an analysis of style, technique, and subject matter.

Objective 4- Possess a deepened understanding of the values and aspirations of different periods mirrored in the arts.

Objective 5-  Distinguish between the different theatrical genres, recognize key terms associated with theater and differentiate between elements used in theater production

Objective 6 -  Students will demonstrate performance-based competency in technology. 






1st quarter- The Media of the Arts: What Artists Use to Express “Reality”

  • Two Dimensional Art: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, and Photography
  • Sculpture
  • Architecture
  • Theater

 2nd quarter- The Styles of The Arts: How Artists Portray “Reality”

  • Artistic Styles in the Emerging Modern World c. 1400 to c. 1800
  • Artistry in an Age of Industry
  • The Arts in a Modern, Postmodern, and Pluralistic World 1900 to the Present



Textbook:  Reality Through the Arts, Dennis Sporre.

Supplies and/or tools:

  • 3 ring notebook with paper (for taking notes/quizzes/sketches)
  • Pencil, pen
  • Highlighter (for highlighting important vocabulary terms/concepts)



  • The grading scale that will be used each school year to report student progress for Nicholas County High School is as follows:
    • A = 100-90
    • B = 89-80
    • C = 79-70
    • D = 69-60
    • F = Below 60
    • I = Incomplete


  • The weighting of course components:

·        Participation: 10%

·        Homework/Class Assessments: 35%

·        Tests & Quizzes: 15%

·        Mid-Term Exam: 20%

·        Final Exam: 20%


Students should anticipate assignments that include working with a variety of two and three dimensional art materials.  Assessment for each studio project assigned will include the following areas of evaluation in the grading rubric:

  • Craftsmanship

·        Composition/Design

  • Technique
  • Creativity
  • Personal Expression
  • Written Critique
  • Daily Productivity



Plagiarism/Cheating: Plagiarism or cheating in any form is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. Student work that is suspect to cheating or plagiarism will receive a zero (0) for a grade.


Late Assignments: Assignments, such as studio projects, not turned in on due date can receive up to a 20 point deduction from the achieved grade, unless excused absence is noted. Failure to complete bellringer/journal log/exit activities within the allotted class time will result in a zero for that day’s assignment.


Make-up Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor to make up work.  All missed work must be made up within 3 days of returning to school unless the student has missed more than 3 days of school.  In the event that a student has missed more than 3 days of school, the student will receive the same number of days missed to make up the work.  Only make up work that is due to an excused absence will be graded.


Class time may not be used to catch up on missed work. Any quizzes or exams missed must be made up either before the start of school or after the school day.


Extra Credit: Extra credit points may be made available for students who want to improve their grades per the instructor’s discretion.  Students should discuss extra credit opportunities with the teacher outside of class and have these approved ahead of time.


Changes: The information contained in this course syllabus is subject to change without notice.   Specific dates for when assignments are to be completed will be announced by the instructor later as the course progresses. 



  •  All rules contained in the NCHS Code of Student Conduct will be followed.
  • No food or drinks allowed in the art room at any time.
  • Be on time to class.  Door will be locked when the tardy bell rings.
  • Do not go back into storage room & sink areas unless authorized to do so.
  • Remain in your assigned seat until you are dismissed from class.
  • Respect other people’s property.
  • Be courteous to peers and teacher alike.



 All students are required to exhibit the highest caliber of behavior and diligence in their work. Respect given to teacher, peers, and self is paramount. Talking and non class-related discussions shall be kept to a minimum.  Horseplay, off-task behavior, sleeping, and tardiness are not tolerated.  Attendance is critical since much material is covered in a single class period.  Daily reading and writing is required.



  • Come prepared with all materials needed
  • Pay attention – follow directions
  • Complete homework/all assignments well
  • Complete all assignment deadlines on time.
  • Study your work, notes, handouts, etc.
  • Keep up with all papers, quizzes, tests in your notebook
  • Participate positively in class activities
  • Read your textbook assignments.





My signature below indicates that I have read and understand this syllabus and

have been given a copy of my own to keep.



Parent Signature:



Student Signature:
















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